Your divorce has been finalized and you’re ready to begin dating again. As exciting as it may be, you are going to run into a plethora of different kinds of men along the way. Some of them have qualities that you want in a man and others… Eh not so much.
Here are 7 red flags that you need to look out for while dating again after you’ve divorced your husband.
- Is He Rich?
The guy you’ve been talking to has been throwing his money around like there is no tomorrow. He drives an expensive car, wears tailored designer suits, and he loves to wine and dine you at the best restaurants the city has to offer. For some women, this may be the icing on the cake when they are dating a man they are interested in; however, you have to ask yourself a few questions before you get too serious:
- What does he do for a living?
- Does he own his own home?
- Is he just pretending to be wealthy in order to impress you?
- Is He Broke?
You’ve noticed that he tends to vanish when it comes time to pay the bill. He looks to you to pay for things and he doesn’t even make an effort to fork over some cash. He has a license and a car, but he wants you to drive everywhere and doesn’t offer gas money. Maybe this guy is going through hard times and doesn’t want to let you know. Somethings you should ask yourself about this person are:
- Where does he work?
- What are his living arrangements?
- Is he just really cheap?
- What Does He Do?
You’ve been dating for a while but he never talks about what he does for a living. Although he is a decent guy and he is interested in what you have to say, he avoids any subject where he has to talk about himself. When you ask what he does for a living, he evades the question and gives you an answer like he is a jack of all trades or he makes his money all sorts of ways. In instances like this, you need to ask yourself:
- What is he hiding?
- Does he have a secret life?
- Is he doing things illegally?
- Baby’s Daddy
The guy you’re dating may admit to having a few children, however he doesn’t say how many or by how many women. You have to wonder if:
- The women were pregnant at the same time?
- Is he a part of the children’s lives?
- Is there any drama you need to worry about?
- Where Does He Live?
The guy you’re dating never invites you to his place—you always go back to yours. You have to wonder:
- Does he live with his parents?
- How long is/will he be living this way?
- Does he have any plans to move out?
- What Did He Say?
Whenever he makes a comment about something, it is always with a negative tone. He complains about everything and he doesn’t have an optimistic outlook on anything. This leads you to wonder:
- Is he depressed?
- Are you hoping to “fix” him?
- Why are you still seeing this guy?
- Is He A Jealous Man?
He makes comments that indicate he is a jealous guy. He says he doesn’t like when you look at other men, he doesn’t want you to talk to other men—even if they are a long-time friend or a husband/boyfriend to a family member. Before things get out of hand, ask yourself:
- Does he have a legitimate reason for this jealousy?
- Does his jealousy dictate what you do and where you go?
- What does he bring to the table that makes you stay?Your divorce has been finalized and you’re ready to begin dating again. As exciting as it may be, you are going to run into a plethora of different kinds of men along the way. Some of them have qualities that you want in a man and others… Eh not so much.