Dating again after going through a divorce can be a little nerve wracking, especially if you were the one that didn’t want the marriage to end. Your heart may still be on the mend and you may be wary of the opposite sex. If you are feeling these things, you shouldn’t be dating! However, if you can look back at your ex and feel nothing, you might be ready to get out there and date again.
Here are some important dating tips that you may want to follow if you want to enjoy dating again as a newly single man.
1. Work On Yourself
Before you can say you are ready to get into another relationship, you might want to take a step back and work on yourself. This means take a few classes that will help you enrich your life. Pick up a new hobby, go on a few adventures, do those things you’ve always wanted to do but couldn’t because you were in a relationship. You’ll want to use this time to help you get back in touch with who you are, what you enjoy, and what makes you happy.
2. Dive Back In
The dating pool is an exciting place to be! So instead of dipping your toes in every now and then, hoping for a little nibble, you’ve got to jump in head first. Grab a group of your friends and go out on the town. No matter what you do and where you go, approach it with a positive attitude and the belief that nothing but good things will happen as a result.
3. Be the Man of Plenty
You know how they say you have to fake it until you make it? This is true in the dating world too. If you want hordes of women to flock by your side, you have to have the confidence that will draw them in—even if you don’t feel very confident. When you walk into the room with your head held high, shoulders squared, and have a swagger when you walk, people will notice and they’ll admire you for it. On the flip side, just because you may attract women with this over-abundance of real or perceived confidence, don’t feel obligated to talk to every woman that approaches you; be selective because that is what real confidence affords you.
4. Be Honest About What You’re Looking For
Whether you want a fling or a lasting relationship, you have to be honest with yourself right from the get go. Men who try to be about the player life, but they cannot fathom being in anything but a long-term monogamous relationship, will fail miserably. Do yourself and the women you are dating a favor by being honest. If you are talking to someone and you want a committed relationship, let her know. By being honest, you’re saving both of you a lot of headaches, pain, and frustration.