5 Ways to Mend Your Heart After a Breakup

healing your hear after breackup

Relationships are great and you often feel like you’re on cloud nine, but once the relationship fails and you find yourself with a broken heart, it can be a gut-wrenching feeling that makes things feel like the world is crashing down around you. Not only does the pain of a break up weigh on your emotions, but they can be physically and mentally taxing as well.

It’s important that you try to be positive during this time and find ways that you can heal your heart. If you believe in astrology, read your daily horoscope to get an idea of what direction your future is headed and focus on these five things that will help you along the way.

  1. Have a plan. At this point of your life, when you feel like you want to cut yourself off from everyone, you have to realize that you are going to need positive social interaction to help you get through this.

It’s understandable that you won’t want to be around people, especially if the people in your life are in happy relationships. But you should resist the urge to hermit yourself and wallow in your grief. Make plans with your friends and follow through. Go out and participate in get-togethers with co-workers. Go out and meet new people. By putting yourself out there, you are working toward moving on.

  1. Don’t shy away from a rebound. Generally, it takes us a while to come to terms that the relationship is really over and in an effort to mask the pain we feel, we throw ourselves into a new relationship with a gusto. While a rebound is okay, as it can help take our minds off of things, you don’t want to use it to completely avoid any underlying emotions that may be lingering post break up.
  2. Work isn’t always the answer. Some people will throw themselves into work after a breakup. They’ll do long shifts, take on bigger projects, and even on the holidays or their days off just so that they aren’t alone with their thoughts. Your bank account may love the extra money and you may not have time to reflect on what may have gone wrong in your relationship, but it only creates an imbalance in your life. By working more than you should, it messes up every aspect of your life—your sleep pattern, your social life, your “me” time… All of it suffers.
  3. Turn to someone for professional help. There is nothing wrong with admitting that you need professional help in order to work out the feelings you may have. By seeing a therapist and talking through the thoughts that run through your mind, it can actually provide you with some clarity and help you work through things.
  4. Looking toward the future. Instead of living in the past by nit-picking apart what went wrong in the relationship, who was at fault, and what could have been done differently, we encourage you to look toward the future. You can go to a psychic to see what lies in store for you (if you believe in that sort of thing), you can make a vision board outlining what you want for yourself, you can even write in a journal about your hopes and dreams. Whatever you do, try leaving the past behind you and use it as a learning tool.